beat a retreat造句

"beat a retreat"是什么意思   


  1. The redcoats ’ drums were beating a retreat
  2. Then xiao wu beat a retreat
  3. The government beat a retreat , canceling the announced rises in food prices
  4. The government beat a retreat , canceling the announced rises in food prices
  5. When li da and wang dingnan got to matou , they found all the motor vehicles and horse - drawn carriages facing south , ready to beat a retreat
  6. It's difficult to find beat a retreat in a sentence. 用beat a retreat造句挺难的
  7. Unable to evict the somewhat man - handled venus from his couch , he beat a retreat and retired , it is said , to his mother s house in tevershall
  8. The keeper of the shelter in the middle of this tte - tte put a boiling swimming cup of a choice concoction labelled coffee on the table and a rather antediluvian specimen of a bun , or so it seemed , after which he beat a retreat to his counter


  1. "beat a hasty retreat"造句
  2. "beat a parley"造句
  3. "beat a path"造句
  4. "beat a path to"造句
  5. "beat a record"造句
  6. "beat a team"造句
  7. "beat about"造句
  8. "beat about the bush"造句
  9. "beat acelerado"造句
  10. "beat adria"造句

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